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Kensington K62561EU SP15 15.6 Inch Neoprene Sleeve Key Features High density neoprene sleeve protects and cushions your laptop or ultrabook Securely store your laptop or ultrabook up to 15.6''/39.6cm Zipper front storage compartment Reinforced carry handle Detachable padded shoulder strap Extremely soft fleece lining protects your device from scratches Your Price: £ 33.94 (£ 40.73 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 71.69 SAVE: £37.75
No stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
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Order Code: 32291J
MPN Code: K62561EU
The Kensington Simply Portable SP15 Neoprene Sleeve features provides protection for your laptop, ultrabook or Chromebook, together with soft interior lining and comfortable carrying handles. Front exterior and interior pockets provide plenty of room for accessories, documents and important files.