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Fellowes 5934005 Microban Mousepad - Box of 6 Key Features Built in Microban protection fights the growth of harmful bacteria for the lifetime of the product suitable for optical and laser mice non-slip rubber base sold in boxes of 6 Your Price: £ 23.84 (£ 28.61 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 51.24 SAVE: £27.4
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Order Code: 15515J
MPN Code: 5934005
Fellowes Silver Microban Mouse Mats are ideal for use at home or in the office and provide comfortable, reliable and precise mouse tracking; whilst actively providing antibacterial protection, to help keep your workspace cleaner and healthier. The durable, wipe clean surface has been certified to provide 100% mouse tracking for both optical and laser mice. Additional features include a non-reflective and non-skid base which protects the user’s desktops from scuffs and scratches.