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Fellowes 8020807 Office Suites Monitor Riser Plus Key Features Supports up to a 21” flat panel monitor or a maximum weight of 10kgs includes a letter tray and 2 accessory pods for additional storage space raises your screen to eye level to prevent neck strain Your Price: £ 38.53 (£ 46.24 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 82.68 SAVE: £44.15
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Order Code: 22010J
MPN Code: 8020801
The Fellowes Smart Suites Monitor Riser Plus places monitor at comfortable viewing position to prevent neck strain associated with extensive computer use. Supports a flat panel monitor up to a 21in or a maximum weight of 10kg, making it ideal for most computers on the market.
Includes a letter tray and 2 accessory pods to keep your desk tidy and so your stationary and paper supplies are on hand for your convenience.