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Fellowes 8035001 Office Suites Microban Adjustable Footrest Key Features Built-in Microban® protection fights the growth of harmful bacteria for the lifetime of the product prevents back and leg discomfort by ensuring the correct posture is adopted accredited by FIRA International Your Price: £ 39.97 (£ 47.96 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 85.80 SAVE: £45.83
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Order Code: 22215J
MPN Code: 8035001
Easy to adjust for personal comfort using foot pressure, no bending or stooping required. Convenient locking mechanism holds footrest in preferred position until you readjust it.
Features Microban antimicrobial product protection to inhibit the uncontrolled growth of stain and odour-causing bacteria on the footrest. Microban technology is built-in during the manufacturing process so it will not wash off or wear away. Adjustable height between 108 and 146mm.
Fellowes 8035001 Office Suites Microban Adjustable Footrest brochure