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Leitz NeXXt Metal Office Stapler Blue Key Features Staples 30 sheets (80gsm) for 00x P3 24/6 or 140x P3 26/6 staples top loading magazine for easy staple reloading opened closed and nailed Your Price: £ 17.74 (£ 21.29 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 36.38 SAVE: £18.64
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Order Code: 28960J
MPN Code: 55020035
Heavy Duty Metal Stapler with Direct Impact Technology for hassle-free stapling. Designed to staple up to 30 sheets of paper and open and closed stapling by easily changing the turnable anvil, and also nailed stapling possible.
Leitz NeXXt Metal Office Stapler Blue brochure