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Kensington K64440WW N17 Keyed Laptop Lock Key Features Tough lock head that fits seamlessly into the latest Dell laptops Unique lock engagement creates the strongest connection between the lock head and wedge-shaped lock slot 5mm Keying System featuring patented anti-pick Hidden Pin Technology Carbon steel cable Pivot and rotate cable Your Price: £ 45.12 (£ 54.14 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 93.97 SAVE: £48.85
No stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
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Order Code: 32288J
MPN Code: K64440WW
The N17 Keyed Laptop Lock allows laptops and devices using the wedge-shaped security slot to be anchored to a fixed object, deterring opportunistic theft. The tough and compact lock head is ideal for today's ultra-thin devices, with unique lock engagement creating the strongest connection between the lock and security slot.