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Fellowes 9787801 AeraMax SE Combo Filter - 1pk Key Features One Filter with Three Functions: Combined Pre-Filter H13 HEPA and Carbon Filter H13 HEPA Filtration: Captures up to 99.95% of particles as small as 0.1 microns including allergens pollen dust pet dander and smoke One year-long-lasting performance Your Price: £ 117.65 (£ 141.18 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 300.00 SAVE: £182.35
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Order Code: 33115J
MPN Code: 9787801
To ensure your AeraMax® SE is providing the most powerful air purification possible, it is essential to keep up with recommended filter changes. The AeraMax SE Combo Filter is comprised of the three filters your AeraMax SE needs to maintain H13 HEPA filter