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Brother CZ1004 5M x 25mm Continuous Roll Cassette Key Features For use with the VC-500W Label printer 25mm width and 5 metres long print full colour labels for around the office and home Genuine Brother label roll that ensures high quality results Your Price: £ 23.74 (£ 28.49 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 25.00
No stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
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Order Code: 29485J
MPN Code: CZ1004
This genuine Brother CZ-1004 label roll allows you to print full colour labels for a wide range of labelling needs. 25mm in width and 5 metres in length, it can be used in the office or home for identification of files, boxes, shelves, personal possessions or other important items.
Add a personalised touch to your craft projects. From photos, to images to symbols, give your creations that added personal touch with full colour labels.
Uses ZINK® Zero-Ink Printing Technology to produce full colour prints without using ink.
Available Products NOTE: The availability of certain older Brother consumables may be subject to minimum order quantities as determined by the vendor