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Bi-Office Economic A1 Drywipe Tripod Easel Black Key Features 600 x 850mm A1 flip chart easel portable easel with non-magnetic surface plastic frame with adjustable paper holder easy to assemble and adjustable height adjustable flip pad clamp for use with any flipchart pad suitable for A1 paper size full lenght pen-tray Your Price: £ 57.79 (£ 69.35 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 167.66 SAVE: £109.87
No stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 4 to 5 days*
Thank you for choosing TBM.
Order Code: 26750J
MPN Code: EA4600475
The Economic Tripod Easel comes with a black aluminium frame and structure with an adjustable paper holder. The surface can be used with dry wipe markers, and the paper holder is adjustable to any flipchart pad size.
5 years warranty & 25 years warranty to the surface. For help please call Bi-Silque customer services on 01772 655353