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Swordfish Fusion 2 Dual Power Pencil Sharpener Key Features Battery or mains operated pencil point sharpness selector - from blunt to sharp broken tip removal button for standard (8mm) and large (10mm) diameter pencils option of 6 volt PSU (Power Supply Unit) included or 4xAA batteries (not supplied) Your Price: £ 28.23 (£ 33.88 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 55.99 SAVE: £27.76
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Order Code: 27071J
MPN Code: 40309
Powered by 4 AA batteries (Not Supplied) or from an AC adapter, the Fusion 2 has a professional helical blade to aid quick and accurate sharpening. With a safety shut off feature which prevents the motor running when the shaving tray is removed, this stylish sharpener is a great addition to any desktop.