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HP Poly CS540A Convertible Headset Key Features Wireless solution up to 9 hours talk time on a single charge wireless range up to 120 metres (depending on environment) volume and mute audio controls at your fingertips DSP technology Your Price: £ 192.70 (£ 231.24 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 222.60 SAVE: £29.9
No stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
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Order Code: 34302J
Auto-answer option lets you answer and terminate calls by removing the headset from, or replacing it to, the base, Soundguard DIGITAL protects against sudden high sound levels and prevents average noise level from exceeding 85dBA, voice-dedicated DECT technology eliminates Wi-Fi interference
2 year return warranty on telephones. End user to return with proof of purchase to Service Department, Plantronics Ltd, Interface Business Park, Binknoll Lane, Wiltshire. SN4 8QQ. Call 0800 410014