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Leitz Complete 15.6" Messenger Bag Smart Traveller Key Features Lightweight robust polyester for comfortable everyday use Front compartment allows quick access to your accessories 19 pockets including side pocket for bottled drinks or umbrella Smart features including cleaning cloth and key holder Separate removable pouch for your power adapter and cables Padded tablet and ultrabook pocket with soft fleece lining Your Price: £ 89.37 (£ 107.24 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 183.50 SAVE: £94.13
No stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
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Order Code: 35372J
MPN Code: 60190095
Quality lightweight business messenger with one main compartment and smaller front compartment. Distinctive and elegant design with smart zip fastener and elegant buckles. Carry using genuine leather padded handle, adjustable shoulder belt, or fix on your airport trolley.
Secret phone pocket on the back side for user-friendly earphone connection and better notice of vibration alarm in crowded areas.