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Leitz Complete 15.6" Laptop Power Sleeve Key Features Lightweight robust polyester sleeve with metal zipper for all-round protection of your ultrabook Ultrabook pocket padded with soft fleece lining to protect device surfaces 7 pockets incl. quick access front pocket with compartments for A4 documents / smartphones / battery pack and other accessories Your Price: £ 29.87 (£ 35.84 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 61.31 SAVE: £31.44
No stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
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Order Code: 35374J
MPN Code: 62240095
Quality lightweight universal sleeve protects your 15.6" ultrabook and other mobile devices. With separate pocket to carry more devices and accessories. Smart pocket layout allows direct link between devices and an extra battery pack for charging on the move. Opens completely.