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Swordfish Multipoint Pencil Sharpener Key Features Electric sharpener for 6/7/8/9/10 & 11mm pencils auto stop prevents over-sharpening Large transparent slide-out shavings tray safety off feature when tray is removed four-second sharpening strong replaceable helical blade Your Price: £ 42.60 (£ 51.12 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 107.73 SAVE: £65.13
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Order Code: 25201J
MPN Code: 40233
The Multipoint will provide a perfect point on a new 8mm pencil in just four seconds! With apertures that accept six pencil thicknesses, the Multipoint is the most versatile sharpener in our range.
Emptying the shavings tray before it becomes full, helps avoid damage to the blade.