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Fellowes Quasar A4 Wire Binder Key Features Manual A4 wire binder up to 15 sheet punch capacity 130 sheet binding capacity with 14mm wire vertical document loading Your Price: £ 273.25 (£ 327.90 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 746.84 SAVE: £473.59
No stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 5 days*
Thank you for choosing TBM.
Order Code: 18666J
MPN Code: 5224101
Punching through up to 20 pages at a time and binding 120 sheets with a wire spine, the Quasar Wire Binder is perfect for large and complex documents. Working with speed and ease, this product is best suited to the busy office environment.
With a guide that allows you to get the correct size of wire for your document, there is no chance of mistakes, saving you time and effort. This binder is intuitive and can be used by anyone in your workplace without difficulty.
Fellowes Quasar A4 Wire Binder brochure